Help please. Just pulled out my power valves to clean and the middle one is no longer attached. It stayed in the motor. I got it out but it looks like the cable pulled out of the end of the valve. Can this be repaired? do I replace and if so do I replace them all?
It can be tig welded up on the end then remachined and new hole/slot put in it. The other ones should be checked for signs of pull thru from the cables. The powervalves will need adjusted afterwards to confirm they are correctly set, the cable pulls thru them from either lack of cleaning them or the cables adjusted too tight.
Thanks MR VIPER, can you tell me are all years SRX the same valves? Also will Viper valves fit?
all srx700 are the same ,viper and srx 600 are different.
Thanks 9801srx, Does anyone know of aftermarket options for these? I called the Yamaha dealer and these things are $150 per valve and $50 per cable!!! looks like I need all three
i don't think there is any aftermarket,i order every thing from the states ,yamaha canada rips us off bad . you will pay half or less across the border. or you could do as mr.viper said and get some one to repair them,not a big job at all. if you have acess to a tig and laith.
i had a pulled through valve, fixed it at work the other day, all i did was take a 5/16 bolt, cut a little chunk off the top of the powervalve and drill and tap the powervalve, then thread the bolt in with a bit of loctite, drilled a hole through the head of the bolt for the cable end, then slotted it with a hacksaw. Filed the edges of the cut down a little so it wouldnt be hard on the cable and then ground the head of the bolt down a little so it would match the other 2 good valves. Turned out really good and only took like an hour. To me that beats $120 for a new valve thats going to do the same thing likely in the future lol
New member
your cable should be ok? you just need the valves, try a search on pv's there are a few members who fixed there's and maybe would help ya out.
There is always cables on here.I have a few myself.
I thought SRX7 and viper valves were the same.
Didnt know they were different
Didnt know they were different
ya, the vipers have a bigger exhaust port and valve.