Just bought a '99SRX600 w/ 2158 miles. What do I need to check/look at before riding?


New member
Dec 21, 2007
Rochester, NY
Its been quite a few years since I've owned a sled, and it was a '79 340 Enticer that wouldn't die! It was our beater sled, and yes we did beat it, but boy we sure had fun when we should have been doing our homework! Ahh, the easy days of highschool!

Anyway, just bought this '99 SRX600 with 2158 miles on it (picking it up on Saturday) and I want to go through it and make sure everything is up to factory spec. I am very mechanically inclined, do all the wrenching on my cars and summer toy ('02 Yam FZ1), but I just don't know where to start on this one.

I know, I know, start with buying a manual! I will will, but until I do, where do I start guys?

I want to make sure everything is cleaned and adjusted PROPERLY to factory spec for right now so I don't have any issues as I put this baby through its first winter.

Please advise on ANYTHING that I should check, adjust, clean, lube, etc.

What should I pay attention to at this mileage?

I want to start with it right so I dont have any problems.

Thank you all for your time!

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Definately take the carbs off and clean them, set them to the factory spec... not sure of the 600 specs?? someone will chime in. Take the powervalves out and give them a good cleaning, adjust them as well. Change your chaincase oil, take the cover off and inspect inside to make sure everything looks good.

Pull your skid out, inspect all idler wheel bearings, bushings.... and check your slides to.

grease entire machine... front end and skid frame, steering column

Check bushings in front end, and check the carbides.

And if switch to a synthetic oil.... much better for the sled.

If I missed anything im sure others will chime in, sorry i couldnt help ya on the exact specs.
Skidooslayer687 said:
If I missed anything im sure others will chime in, sorry i couldnt help ya on the exact specs.

Don't forget to clean and inspect the clutches.
^ looks like theses guy's got it coverd pretty well,check out the tech section it'll have all the factory carb settings(spec's) for your sled.

and try a search also, on things for that sled,lots of info here.

welcome to the site!!!
mod-it said:
Don't forget to clean and inspect the clutches.

Thanks for all the info guys, I really appreciate it!

How do I clean and inspect the clutches? Could anyone write up a procedure and post? (pictures are always helpful, but I'll take what I can get!)

Thanks again!
On the top of the oil tank is the vent line that snakes it's way up into the handle bars. Find both ends and blow it out, to clear it of any oil and WATER. If this plugs up, it gets very expensive for repairs. My son has one that is now a 700!
Enjoy the new mount, you'll have a ball.
Thanks all for your help!

I really appreciate it!

If anyone has any more advice, tips, suggestions, keep them coming!

I've been wrenching for a long time, but I still love to learn!
