whats the best all around(mostly top but still good bottom) cluthing and gearing set up with no heel clickers or heavy hitters for a viper?its pretty much stock its got a sno stuff can<(losing power) and a 1.25 ripsaw,i would do some testing and figure this out by my self but theres barly any snow here and i dont really have a place to test that much.thanks!
There is an 8dn-20 set up that is suppose to be pretty good, try doing a search for it.
On the can, yeah, everyone will tell you to pitch it. I think several people have had trouble getting their rpm's set up with a can on it. They sound nice, but hurt performance from what I have read. Do the search "8dn-20 viper" in this forum, you should find what you need, or at least a starting point. All sleds are a little different, you'll probably still have to test and do some tweaking, but should be close. There are short drag set-ups, aggressive trail, lake running, etc., make sure you choose the one that fits what your looking for. Tend to get some grouchy responses when the same question is asked, lol. Get an idea of a set-up, then post it up for someone to verify for you.
On the can, yeah, everyone will tell you to pitch it. I think several people have had trouble getting their rpm's set up with a can on it. They sound nice, but hurt performance from what I have read. Do the search "8dn-20 viper" in this forum, you should find what you need, or at least a starting point. All sleds are a little different, you'll probably still have to test and do some tweaking, but should be close. There are short drag set-ups, aggressive trail, lake running, etc., make sure you choose the one that fits what your looking for. Tend to get some grouchy responses when the same question is asked, lol. Get an idea of a set-up, then post it up for someone to verify for you.
Yes, Do the 8DN-20s. I Did mine at the end of last winter. What a difference. You will probably need to go to 15.6mm rollers like me. I have 4.5 rivets in both holes Plus a washer on each Rivot (Total 6) to get the rpms down to 8500-8600. I have a Hauck Primary spring that I don't know what the rates are on, so I can't tell you on the spring for sure but it only brought the engagement up. it did not bring the shift up at all. You would probably be alright with 3 shims, OEM spring & 6 4.5 Rivots. My sled is ported & has 1 of 3 head gasket thickness removed, (No Pipes) so yours probably doesn't need quite as much weight as mine. I would also consider dropping down to a 21 for top gear This made a big differance as well. That is unless you plan on some really long top end runs. I have not had the chance to see mine run out of gears yet. I have seen 118 on the dream meter with good conditions, Still gaining but ran out of space and had to shut down. My secondary is a roller because I ride mostly trails and like the quick response so my angles won't help you. There is a lot of info here on helix angles so I'm sure you'll find a good helix setup. Do the 8DN-20s, helix, & the gear. Believe me you'll think it's a different sled.