What Pistons To Use Sx 700


New member
Nov 6, 2005
putting a 700 sx motor together,need advice on pistons to use.stock or wisco . i run SLP pipes so it is running 8800-8900. had guys tell me run stock,had guys tell me run wisco. what do ya think.
Well I thinck you are goin to have the same problems here, some guys will say stock and some guys will say Wiseco....For me I will do stock ones just like SRX7 said...

That is 2 for the stockers and 0 for the Wiseco...

I'm in the process of rebuilding my motor, and I will only put Yamaha Pistons in. I can guarantee that more will chime in and tell ya to use stockers.
I would lean towards oem myself, but either are fine the wisecos just have to be setup differently.Most guys that I know that had troubles with aftermarket just slapped them in and did'nt check clearances and such.Thats a certain recipe for troubles in my book.
weiscos or spi's never use oem for replacements

NOT Just trying to spoof everyone. oem is the only way to go. Maxdlx
I've always used OEM. Wiesco's need to be set up differently than a Yammie piston. I'm sure they can work fine but you have to know what you are doing with your clearances.

The OEM's work better for dummies like myself.
thanks for the info,hope to get some pics of sled on here soon. think SNOW,and happy new year.
