

New member
Mar 3, 2005
Shelton, Conn.
Hey guys my father and i went out for our first ride today and i was feeling pretty confident because last year i spanked his SRX with my SLP piped viper. He has recently done some clutch work, (i belive he installed some heavy hitters), and the tables were turned to say the least :eek: . there anything i can do the dish it back???. I also have some minor clutch work done to my sled (8DN-20 with 3.6 in each hole, 15.6 rollers secondary is green spring, 5143 helix with a 60 degree wrap) as well as all the nesssary upgrades for the pipes to work...:rocks:



SpiderViper said:
Hey guys my father and i went out for our first ride today and i was feeling pretty confident because last year i spanked his SRX with my SLP piped viper. He has recently done some clutch work, (i belive he installed some heavy hitters), and the tables were turned to say the least :eek: . there anything i can do the dish it back???. I also have some minor clutch work done to my sled (8DN-20 with 3.6 in each hole, 15.6 rollers secondary is green spring, 5143 helix with a 60 degree wrap) as well as all the nesssary upgrades for the pipes to work...:rocks:



Big Bore?????? Cut notches in his belt?????
You getting beat out of the hole or on top end?

I would send you top end into mrviper700 for some port work and do the peel the head gasket mod.
I don't know about the head gasket mod. You would create more compression...which would create more heat....so I would fatten up the mains 1 size. the reason I would be leary about the head gasket mod and to watch the jetting, is that the mag cylinder is the problem on piped vipers with running hot, because of the junk stock head. I would get a ripsaw 1.25" track if you still have the stock track. this way you will hook up a little better and get some more of the available ponies to the snow. set your limiter strap nice and loose to get some mega bite off the line. you could also send your top end to mrviper700 or purchase his 780 big bore kit and then have a huge smile on your face when you put that "go-go flipper" to the bars.
Lots of people do the H/G mod on vipers. YEa the head is not very good but it makes it alot worse only when you pipe a viper and then you should throw in a rear heat exchanger to help compensate for the added heat and buy a bender opticool H/G with the use of a SRX base gasket for added cooling.

If somebody was that worried about it, they cound have their viper cylinder heads rung and use some SRX heads cut around .012 or so
tomseal6 said:
Lots of people do the H/G mod on vipers.

Head Gasket mod on a piped Viper? Wouldn't it be hard to find good enough gas to run to keep it from detonation?
I wouldn't peel the headgasket with the pipes. Enough problems with running the stock gasket on piped vipers with the vipers wicked timing curve. It wont be worth the headaches. Get some heel clickers in there and get your cylinders to Mrviper. Then you'll really be smiling.

Isn't there a thinnest layer people remove even with pipes? I know its been talked about alot. I apologize if I gave out bad info.
dang pesky srx's :rofl:

Wheres your dad beatin up on ya at? :EXER:
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Be a good son and before you go out riding with him lubricate his clutches and belt for him so they won't rust, spray some slick 50 on them, that will slow him down.
Ahhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!! Nice to have my day in the sun...... Those SRX's sure can be "pesky little buggers" when they're dialed in...... it's been a long off season fellas listening to the youngun........ I dialed his Viper in last season and shot myself in the foot !!!
LOL!!@yamahowie...... LaLaLa :hide:

ahhh yes revenge is a sweet dish. That sounds like a fun little competition to have between father and son :flag:
