cleaned carbs...are these setting right?


VIP Member
Jun 11, 2003
South Lyon, Michigan
I cleaned the carbs yesterday. The carbs had 150's in it. The air screw was set at about 1.5 turns. Does that sound right? The sled has the cold air/powder kit on it. (2000 SRX). I messed with the idle last night cause I sync'd the carbs and I don't know if I have it right yet. It seemed to be a little rough and stumbly and it wasn't before. I cleaned the PV's at the same time. Could it just have been burning out the residual carb cleaner, etc?
jetting would be the 150's with a cold air kit, and the fuel screws would be alright there at 1.5 turns out, what do you mean when you say you sync'd the carbs?
Could the screw setting be at 1.75 turns out? It's been a while and I cleaned them this week and they were all over 1.5 turns. Is there a big difference in that extra quarter of a turn?
