To buy or not - opinions


New member
Dec 20, 2007
I know I should post this on the 4 stroke forum, but I can't get access to my work e-mail to continue the registration, but I'll welcome all opions. My buddy recently smoked his viper thanks to very, very little maintenance. I posted on the viper forum, and thanks to all that responded. He and I are thinking about buying 2 new sleds this spring. He wants a 4 stroke (120 or 150-not sure of the size). I currently have a 2000 mxz 500 that I have been very happy with. I really like the Phazer. Any opinons on switching from the 500 twin to the 80 4 stroke. We ride mostly in the u.p. on the trails. Speed is not really an issue...they are usually waiting for me at the next stop. Thanks in advance. BTW, I've had 2 stroke 4 wheelers and 4 stroke atv's, so I know the difference in them, just not as it compares to snow.
if your friend wants hp similiar to his viper then he could go with the new vector or even the nytro. i suggest the nytro. as far as going from a 500 mxz to a 80hp phazer, i say go for it. i rode a demo last year at a dealer, what a fun sled!
friend of mine did this exact switch when the phazer came out, he likes to jump, play in the rough stuff and this is where this sled really shines, it reminds me of riding a 4 wheeler with skis, its so small and nimble. I on purpose jumped it off camber and I am not what I would call any kind of sno cross rider, and the sled jumped and landed flawlessly. Its my opinion that its like it makes a better rider out of you then you really are, because it doesnt show you your input mistakes! Its no speed demon sled by any means but you can and will walk away in tight trails and rough nasty stuff, this little thing just goes, and goes, its a very neat little machine. There is a clutching upgrade you can do and they will do wheelies then, it wakes them right up, more aggressive, check with Ulmer racing on it, works excellant! ( clutch weights and primary spring, rest is stock)
TimeBomb said:
if your friend wants hp similiar to his viper then he could go with the new vector or even the nytro. i suggest the nytro. as far as going from a 500 mxz to a 80hp phazer, i say go for it. i rode a demo last year at a dealer, what a fun sled!

Thats what he is looking at. He's a bigger guy (250, 6'). I'm about 5-10, 175 lbs. I may go look at them a little closer after the holidays. Thanks
I bought a Phazer and have not ridden my viper since - I didn't even put new tags on it this winter. Probably sell it.
I was disappointed in the phazer. I think had it the clutching that MrViper talked about it may not have been as big a disappointment. It just seemed way underpowered. It also vibrated a lot. I didn't like that either. I did however really like how it road and handled. I also liked how it sat. I should however add the one I road had 40 miles on it. With a little more ummmmph behind it and something done with the vibration I would have liked it. The Nytro tried to remove my arms from the sockets and beat my back to submission. I must be getting old...
How would you compare the new phazer stock for stock against the old phazer 485 and pro-action 500 phazxers performance wise?
