deep powder runs today


New member
Oct 15, 2007
up in the rubys there was about 10 ft of fresh powder and 10ft of bace maybe about 15-20 in some spots ..... its here boys i'll post some pics soon my buddy has the camera.... it was a blast i love powder its so easy to ride in..... just lean and cob it.... he he he i had some problems with my srx but got it all worked out... my spark plug boots where bad and had some ngk boots sittin at the shop and the sled it runnin 110% now but it ran ok on da mountain...... i had the deep powder bog so i just left the powder in the vents (didn't brush it off) and e taped my boots all up and problem solved..... when you put the boots on the plugs be sure the put some electric grease in em.... after i hit the first deep patch i got real bad carbon tracking on the plugs so i had to tape the plug for a snug fit.... good boots and the grease will get rid of all of that.... ride yammies for life!!!!
I need to get out to the rubys sometime this season. Everyone that has been there says its awesome out there. You guys have been getting hit way harder than the sierras this year. How far is it to Reno from you?
about 4hrs if i'm drivin about 3.5... and thats from reno to the base of the mountain you have to go trough elko, and sprinkcreek nv... but from i 80 its about a 20 min drive to the base lol but yea for shortstop im in elko nv, usa.... this riding is some of the best in the world... if anyone has boondockers 3 video we are in there chapter 3 in the video..... check it out its a good flik
heres last weekend... just having fun in the deep and steep!!!



yes i know i'm f****** stuck... lol lol

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we are just getting socked in right now there is alot more snow in the ruby then in the pics now..... but you can't tell because its just DEEP!!!
