viper oil consumption


New member
Sep 26, 2007
well guys, i just got done with my 6 inch ROX riser with extended brake, throttle and oil cables. Set all the cables to spec, but it seems like I am using way more oil than I used to. I got through almost half a tank in about 50-60 miles...seems like too much. Anybody know how long a tank of oil lasts them on their viper (miles per tank or half a tank or quart or whatever...just dont wanna run it too lean, but also dont want to buy gallons of oil every other day :)
I run AMSOIL INTERCEPTOR if that changes anything...should i run AMSOIL richer than stock yamalube?

Any suggestions are greatly appreciated

I love my VIPER!!!!!


i would guess your oil cable is too tight, this keeps the pump open more, thats way,way too much oil in those miles. when you pull the cable apart at the adjuster, the gap with running amsoil should be around 22mm, meaning the cable end comes up out of the threaded adjuster and the 22mm gap is between the cable end and the steel adjuster, adjust and then reinsert the cable down inside the adjuster, i would be willing to say the riser is pulling the oilpump cable too much and this is your problem.
ive seen one after running in lose snow the oil pump arm froze up used that much oil till we put it in shop when it unthawed it dropped down no trouble since
I went through this last season, burning alot of oil. I ended up changing the oil pump. Check your cable for the correct settings, if there correct, it's possible the pump is gone.
02viperstinghurts said:
well guys, i just got done with my 6 inch ROX riser with extended brake, throttle and oil cables. Set all the cables to spec, but it seems like I am using way more oil than I used to. I got through almost half a tank in about 50-60 miles...seems like too much. Anybody know how long a tank of oil lasts them on their viper (miles per tank or half a tank or quart or whatever...just dont wanna run it too lean, but also dont want to buy gallons of oil every other day :)
I run AMSOIL INTERCEPTOR if that changes anything...should i run AMSOIL richer than stock yamalube?

Any suggestions are greatly appreciated

I love my VIPER!!!!!

I'm guessing it is your cable setting. I added 5" Rox risers with Gravity Worx cables and had the same exact thing happen. I used to use maybe a quart per 150 miles - I have only put on about 100 miles since the risers, but I am probably using triple the oil amount. I haven't checked the gap at the adjustment yet, but it is too much coincidence that it could be anything else. - Good luck
yes make sure your pump arm is returning all the way and it moves nice
and smooth and freely.

do these checks in this order;

1st- set idle to 16- 1,7000 rpm's

2nd- set throttle end play to 2mm

3rd- set oil pump cable free play here and here to 20(richer)to 22(leaner)mm

yes running Amsoil you could run a little leaner but i don't,i like the extra
cushion there.
Oil Consumption

My Srx And Viper Both Use Only A Quart Every 300 Miles. This Is On A Long Tour. Last Time The Viper Did A Canada Tour I Used About 3 Quarts In 1100 Miles. The Ski Doo Guys Used Around 10
this is for a 12 gal tank

1 gal = 128 oz. 1 qt = 32 oz.
12 gal = 1536 oz

If you want 50:1, then 1536/50 = 31. You should burn 31 oz of oil per 1536 oz (12 gal) of gas.

31/32 = .9 -- 31 oz = 90% of a quart.

If you burn exactly 1 quart of oil per tank of gas, you're running 48:1 fuel ratio. (1536/32 = 48 ) 48:1, almost 50:1, real close.

i wouldn't go any leaner then 50:1
Oil Use

This Is True But The Factory Pump Is Calibrate To Deliver Oil At Different Rates Depending On Throttle Opening. At Low Speeds And Small Throttle Openings The Ratio May Be A Low Leaner Than 50 To 1 Without Issue. At Wide Open It Might Be Closer To 32 To 1. Both My Srx And Viper Are Factory Stock Setup And Use About 3 Quarts In 1000 Miles. My 97 Sx 700 By Comparison Used More Than Twice That To Do The Exact Same Trip, As Did My 98 600 Xtc, Go Figure.
daman, is this gap spec for stock cables only? I have Gravity Worx cables on my sled with the same problem as 02vipersting, but the gap at the adjustment is only about 6-8mm and I'm not sure I can even get 20mm out of them. It is running real rich and smokes - never did this before the cables
yam_apex91469 said:
daman, is this gap spec for stock cables only?
Unfortunately yes.....try to get more "gap" outa it, sorry not familiar with Gravity Worx cables but with that little of gap she's gota be pumping some oil, see what's the best gap you can get.

Did you have to extend your emergency brake cable?? I have a 2" straight plus a 3.5" articulating riser on my Viper and put on the longer brake hose, throttle, and oil cables. The stock e-brake cable is about 1" too short. I cant seem to route it to get any more slack.

My e-brake is tight but still completely functional the way i routed it!

well i have been playin around...turns out I am using about 24 oz. of oil in about 45 miles...WAY TOO MUCH!!! This equivilates to about a 25-30:1 ratio this could be real expensive. I used mountain viper cables i hope I can get enough freeplay to get me to about 48:1 or so!!!! I am leaving for the UP, Michigan in a week, for a week....yikes gotta get this problem under control quick! Thanks everyone for the help...very much appreciated!
