Active member
Whats wrong with that??? Are only the Skiers allowed to look cool with their junk strapped to the roof? Snowmobilers are allowed to be cool too ya know.
Front Wheel Drive - No Weight on the Front - Yippee sounds fun !!!
New member
well what do you expect from a ski-poo owner..
^^^^^^LMAO.....what an idiot, has to be from FIB country...j/k
New member
I would pay to watch that get loaded...
How would you feel if you saw that rolling down the road?!?!?! The pic was taking in south Milwaukee.
Active member
With the right ramp configuration you could have a "drive on - drive off" setup and NO trailer to boot!! If any yoopers see this it could start a trend. Just think with some old pipe, angle iron, 2 yoopers, a case of beer and a welder you could have a nice sled hauling rig for a lot less than buying a decent trailer. Someone should come up with a kit cuz they could probably sell a bunch of them. And just think about the summer uses, 4 wheelers, dirt bikes, lawn mowers, grandma in her wheel chair. Could be a very handy deal.
Ya dar yah, now you thinking! LMAO
New member
Racing stripes by 4" carbides.............!!!!!!!!!!LOL
That'll test the turtle wax huh!!!
That rig really belongs in eastern TN...........!!!

That'll test the turtle wax huh!!!

That rig really belongs in eastern TN...........!!!
yes but...
That old Aerostar looks like it could use some bigger springs lol. In the first pic you could back into it with the tail gate down, give it a good bump and probably drive off with a doo in the back of the truck. Doesn't look very safe to me, but hey whatever gets you there i guess.
come on!!! What in the hell is that dude thinking!!! LOL That old v-max is tied down to the top with rope! How the hell did he get that up there, had to be a forklift. I just wonder how far they drove like that? LOL That just blows my mind!!!
New member
Mateing Ritual
You der guys got dis all rong. Being a tru "YOOPER" us guys would call dis one of dos rare mateing rituals. Just joking HEY!!! Love this site and everyones humor. Anyone ride up my way? Ironwood-Bessemer area and on up to the Porkies?
You der guys got dis all rong. Being a tru "YOOPER" us guys would call dis one of dos rare mateing rituals. Just joking HEY!!! Love this site and everyones humor. Anyone ride up my way? Ironwood-Bessemer area and on up to the Porkies?
New member
Never seen it
but i have definatly thought about it.
but i have definatly thought about it.

Phil, youd have to have a clear faceshield in the kit to so granny doesnt get any bugs in her dentures....LMAO!!
I think those photos are from a couple guys in Menno South dakota....LMAO

I think those photos are from a couple guys in Menno South dakota....LMAO

Active member
mrviper700 said:Phil, youd have to have a clear faceshield in the kit to so granny doesnt get any bugs in her dentures....LMAO!!
I think those photos are from a couple guys in Menno South dakota....LMAO![]()
Ya Hey, dat faceshield thing could be an option but on a budget build not needed cuz she could jest put her teeth in her pocket ta keep em cleen till ya gets her were yer goin.
New member
perfect sledder sled worthmore then his car
New member
Looks like your buddy discovered how Bombadier decided to make a 4-stroke . Mating the MXZ with a gutless cutlass, must have been one of Oldsmobiles last ditch efforts to stay afloat ! 

New member
w8tn4snow said:Looks like your buddy discovered how Bombadier decided to make a 4-stroke . Mating the MXZ with a gutless cutlass, must have been one of Oldsmobiles last ditch efforts to stay afloat !![]()
BRP 4 stroke. Good one. lol