viper start problem's


New member
Aug 31, 2007
my 02 viper er takes 3 puls to fire up when its cold when it gets up to temp and i turn it off after about 20 miles or so it will not start in les i barit. it started doing it after i raced a mxz 700 and a fx nytro rtx i turned it off after 4 passes up the lake and she wouldent start with 1/2 a pull like it does evryother time need to hold it to the bar. eny ideas what the problem is. and i beat the 700 mxz it hade reeds and the heads where shaved on it. fx nytro not so lucky there fast in a short race i coat him in the long run i was right on his *** on hard packed and he was in light powder.

Myself, and everybody will tell you the same. Its normal.

I have to throttle mine a little to start warm.
it has never done it to me befor maby cuz it was worm out to not to sure will see tomorrow. it normaly takes like 1/2 pull to get it going when it worm.
tomseal6 said:
Myself, and everybody will tell you the same. Its normal.

I have to throttle mine a little to start warm.
I have to throttle my srx and viper to start them when they are warm,as stated above very normal
With this being normal, I have always wondered what you can do to the carbs so the sleds starts without using the throttle? Could you do a piliot jet change possibly to get rid of this affect?
