New member
i painted my pipes but the paint i used came off when i washed off the sled at the car wash now i have orange and black pipes(rust).... what paint is the best.... the paint had to air dry for 1 hr the be cooked a something like 650 f for 2 hrs i could not cook them for that long even riding.... the cooking had to be done within 30 min of dryin... if anyone knows how much contact the pipes get by puttin em on that just sucks.... i need a good hi temp paint.... like "paint and dry" any help would be great .... iknow that alot of you guys have painted the and it worked out.... i would like to do them blue or flat black or both..... we have a home depot napa carquest here ..... thanks for the help guys ty rocks!!! 

New member
do a search this has been talked about over and over. year after year
New member
I had good luck with this stuff on my atv
But I think you are referring to PJ1 spray bombs.
But I think you are referring to PJ1 spray bombs.
New member
It's allot of work but what i did on my srx is i taped(heavily)off the chrome section of my pipes then sand blasted them then painted with a high temp
(1,600 deg.)header paint, then cooked in front a salamander heater for 30
you gota bake that paint on somehow(oven or running the engine) after you paint them, or it'll just flake off.
the header pipes i just put in the oven and cooked 'em(wile the wife was @ work.
you need to get rid of the rust or it'll just keep coming back.
(1,600 deg.)header paint, then cooked in front a salamander heater for 30
you gota bake that paint on somehow(oven or running the engine) after you paint them, or it'll just flake off.
the header pipes i just put in the oven and cooked 'em(wile the wife was @ work.

you need to get rid of the rust or it'll just keep coming back.