overheating 2007 attak


New member
Dec 30, 2007
adirondack ny
I have 2 07 attaks,just got them.
I have been overheating w/o any apparant reasons,plenty of snow.
Dealer says there is no problem,he cannot replicate the problem.
Anyone have any ideas?
Slip over to the 4-stroke side and you'll have a LOT of reading material. My 06 also overheated a few times when I first got it. Tested my antifreeze and it was good to -80. Diluted it to be good to -50 and never had a problem. Some of the guys have installed rear heat exchangers. Helps with cooling AND ice buildup in the tunnel. Hope this helps ya'.
Yes too strong of coolant will not cool properly, you don't need -100 in a sled, -20, 30 is all i run, never a freeze prob.
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