a few viper problems and need help


New member
Feb 2, 2004
a buddy brought me his viper with the valves already apart. which way does the bevel go, facing the head or crank? also it has electric start and is just clicking at the solenoid. i put a new battey in it and made no difference. when i turn the key to start it the positive cable lights up my test light at the starter. any ideas or known problems?

Bevel goes down on the pv's....

starting from the batt. work your way down to the
starter checking all connections, check solenoid.
the bevel faces the crankshaft.

check the soleniod, if its getting power on the one side, jump it quickly and if it whirls over, the solenoid is to blame as long as the battery is new and showing above 12+ volts and when you turn the key it shouldnt drop under 11.5-12.0 volts or it has a bad cell.
when i use a test light and turn the key it lights up when i put it at the starter therfor i assume power is going to the starter and when using the test light and turning the key it powers both terminals at the solenoid.
then either the starter is defective or the battery has a bad cell and not enough cranking amps to power the starter, see if you can use a voltmeter, because a test light doesnt show you the voltage amount and it will light up anyhwere from 5-10volts, a voltmeter will show you exactly what it is.
get a long pry bar and wack the starter and try again. It always worked on all of my stuff. LOL It does work sometimes. Maxdlx
