electrical problem under load
What part of the electrical system will be the one that fails under load. Sled (snosport) runs fine until it's under load. Any ideas?
What part of the electrical system will be the one that fails under load. Sled (snosport) runs fine until it's under load. Any ideas?
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New member
Need more info...what is it exactlly doing?
It's feels like the choke is on when it's under load. You lift the track and she'll rev up fine. Carb is clean.
sounds like its too rich!
New member
Are you sure it's not?? plungers stuck, out of adjustment?wanasrx said:It's feels like the choke is on when it's under load.
ya ..sounds like too much gas
I know right? I've adjusted everything to what it should be ( air screw and choke is all there is). It idles fine. Put the choke on and she dies (when warmed up). I'm getting intermitten spark too. Check continuity through the wires, OK. Looks like the bad section may be where it goes into the cdi. I don't have a manual or if it's even possible to check it.
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New member
Have you ever checked or replaced your plug caps.If the resistance is too high the current(spark) will try to go to ground at the least point of resistance,which could be at the coil end of the plug wire.They can be checked with a digital multi-meter but they are cheap,I would just go ahead and replace them.