C River Yamaha
New member
Its an 02 with 3000 miles and it is all stock it has 144 studs an a rear heat exchanger... Thanks
value is worth around $ 3200.00
New member
I would pay $2,500-3,000 for it
anything over $3k would be too much, IMO...
I bought (3) 02 Vipers withen the last 3 months. 1 has 1230 miles, 144 studs, cobra shield, great shape I paid $2500 for it. The other 1 has 2840 miles 144 studs,cobra shield, Bender pipes and clutch kit and I got an 02 2 place covered trailor. very clean I paid $3000 for it. And the last 1 has 3440 miles all stock with 144 studs. great shape paid $2400
So I would say it is worth about $2300 to $2500
So I would say it is worth about $2300 to $2500
C River Yamaha
New member
Thanks guy's he is askin 2500 bucks so maybe i can deal with him..Thanks again... Matt
New member
Not to bad..try to work him more tho..
is it mint????
is it mint????