Wow is riding getting expensive


Feb 11, 2004
Channaho, Il.
My buddy and I went to the UP for two days of unbelievable riding. We rode 650 miles in a day and a half, the trails were fabulous. How does a family afford to ride? Here is the breakdown. Tow vehicle- 400 miles each way, $220.00 (split between 2). Hotel $50.00 a night (2 nights). $200.00 in gas in my sled. Two days worth of meals. I spent $500.00. Wow I feel for you guys that have to do that for the whole family.
I walk out my back door, open up my enclosed trailer, drive the sled out of the trailer and down the alley and hop on the trail. I still think it is expensive to ride. You didn't include anything in there for maintaining the sled or oil. I don't know how you guys that travel up here can do it.
JeepTherapy said:
I walk out my back door, open up my enclosed trailer, drive the sled out of the trailer and down the alley and hop on the trail. I still think it is expensive to ride. You didn't include anything in there for maintaining the sled or oil. I don't know how you guys that travel up here can do it.

I do pretty much the same thing here down in the NW Lower and I only make one trip per year to Da UP.
We get there Sunday am and head back Thursday pm, I figure it costs the same in fuel for the tow vehicle so to make it as cost effective as possible we stay for 5 days.
JeepTherapy said:
.... I don't know how you guys that travel up here can do it.
No Doubt! It is getting expensive to travel with the sleds. Very easy to spend $300 - to $400 for a weekend. And like you elude to - if you traveling with your family h.s. - nobody to split the cost of gas with!
Yeah, it is getting crazy. I find myself trying to save anywhere I can. Another problem is places like Eagle River, Wisconsin--restaurants are EXPENSIVE. I want to bring my own food and cook in the room as much as possible.

I am literally holding off on looking at my credit card bill because there are a few trips worth of gas on it. I'm afraid to look.

This is getting to be a rich man's sport more than ever.
Yeah tell me about it, but it is worth every penny. Just took the family up north for the weekend. Motel was $480 for 4 nights, gas for the truck $155, 600 miles round trip, food for 5 for 4 days $325, beer for the wife $50 (jk) we rode 260 miles in 3 days so 260 x 4 sleds = 1040 miles @ 14 mpg = 75 gals of gas @ 3.35 a gal = $241 gas for the sleds. 1 gal of Yamahalube $24 Its what our family does together and we all love it no matter what it costs. 3 more trips planned with the family this year.

(A family that rides together stays together)
next year my youngest will have her sled so we will have 5 riding
I don't need to spend any $$ on lodging since I own my own cottage, (not like that is free though) I don't trailer sleds, but we keep ours up north, and that cuts down on extra gas costs for the vehicle.

it still is expensive though, even with minimal maintenance costs. If I wrecked parts every time I rode it would def be very expensive.
I know my old man comments every time we go on a trip, usually Tug Hill, that its one of the cheapest vacations you can have. If you consider that we already have the sleds and we would ride them even if we were at home so take gas, oil and maintinance out. Bar food is a cheap two meals a day and if you can find some cheap lodging its not an outrageous cost. Filling the truck with diesle is getting a little crazy though.

Heres some cost savers-
Rent a cabin/ trailer with an oven or bring a grill, then bring food from home and eat breakfast and dinner there. That way you only have to buy lunch on the trail. Gas station subs are cheap and filling by the way.

Bring gas, lots of it. Gas is typically cheaper at home so bring enough to fill up every night when you get back. This goes for the truck too.

Pack drinks in the sled, bars and resaurants are expensive and once you stop, you are usually in the place for a while.

Find a bunch of friend who make the trip every winter and split the cost on a camper to set there for the winter or buy a cabin. This only saves money if you go a lot though. There are lots of cheap lodging options that most people aren't aware of so make friends with some locals, they can give you some ideas.
Good plan except when you ride 400-450 miles a day you still buy the gas on the trail. Realistically the lodging and the food are reasonable. A 400 mile day costs about $160.00 in just gas in the sled.
these yammie's have 12 gal tanks so thats like filling a car up,and @12-14
mpg(2stroke), ouch that hurts..
Pocket Rocket said: the next 6 months I'm up for 2 new sleds, a minimum 16ft V trailer and a new Yamaha hauler. Not going to be a cheap year....
Damn dude you hit the lotto???????
Yamahasrx700 said:
Good plan except when you ride 400-450 miles a day you still buy the gas on the trail. Realistically the lodging and the food are reasonable. A 400 mile day costs about $160.00 in just gas in the sled.

400-450 miles a day? Do you even SEE the scenery go by? To each his own, but I would get zero pleasure out of zipping down railroad grades at 70 miles an hour all day, because there's no way you would do that mileage in tight and twisty trails.
yeah, That would be warp speed all day.

most trails I ride on if you average 35mph you are really flying.

even at the 14mpg my xc gets, it still adds up, even if I set the ignition for regular.

at 3+ dollars a gallon, riding even 250 miles in a weekend adds up to over 50 dollars in gas.

now I know why my cat riding friends don't get out much, 8mpg over the same 250 miles equates to close to 100 dollars. Back when gas was 1.50 a gallon, the would bring the 8mpg 250 mile gas cost to under 50 dollars in gas.

At one point, when my skidoo plus 521 was stock, it got well over 20 mpg. I once saw 25mpg as long as I kept it under 60mph.

then add in all the oil you go through on a 2 stroke....
the club trail is about 1000 feet from my home my wife and i start and go plus iam an auto tech so i do all my own work that saves big time
A cheap trip to tug hill for three days cost me:
65.00 each way pulling 3 sleds = 130.00
50.00 a day in gas for the sled (3 days) = 150.00
40.00 a night for room = 120.00
18.00 for 1/2 gal of oil = 18.00
lunch and dinner and a few beers 40.00 a day = 120.00
tolls = 20.00

TOTAL: $558.00.........OUCH!!!!
How wrong you are.400 miles a day is in the woods, In the U.P. That would be trail 8 to Republic trail 18 to Amasa, trail 111 to Sidnaw, trail 15 to Baraga, Trail 14 to Lanse, trail 14 to Big Bay, trail 5 to Ishpeming and then trail 8 to Gwinn. So that equals about 20 miles of straight riding on railroad grades. The deal is we go to RIDE not to eat not to drink (cause any one can do that any time of the year in any weather). If you want to give it a try let me know. We ride all day for 2 or 3 days. Most people cant handle the exercise. What may be a blast to us may be a brutal beating to most. To each their own. Enjoy the scenery and have a good time doing whatever type of riding you prefer.
