What tpe of gear oil is best!


New member
Feb 29, 2004
brandon sd
Changing gears on one sled and adding reverse to another and looking for feedback on what people are using.
I use synthetic chaincase oil bought at Canadian Tire but any power sports dealer should have the stuff.It is alot lighter than the 80w stuff that comes in the chaincase and it protects just as well or better.Some guys use auto tranny oil and had good luck with that but there are a number of makers of synthetic chaincase oil to choose from,Amsoil,Bardahl,Castrol etc.
You will find this topic beat like a red headed step child,, guy's use anything
from gear lube to cooking oil!!!!! in there,it's really what ever you like and
think is the best for your stuff..

Me without getting into a 5 page write up why and start a war i only will use a full synthetic gear oil 75w90 witch happens to be Amsoil, VERY good stuff.
I just switched to Klotz synthetic with graphite in it. It's funny because the first night I rode it with this in here I met a couple of guys that ride in Canada a lot and they said they've heard of people with busted chain cases riding 50 miles or more when they had had this in there. But you know how that goes... Could be all talk. Time will tell but I think this is pretty good stuff. :letitsnow
