C River Yamaha
New member
Well some of you may have seen my last post about the 02 viper with 3000 miles i was askin what it was worth but it is sold now and i'm lookin at a 02 viper with 4600 miles to me it seems like a fair amount of miles for a sled but i have never owened a viper so i'm coming to you guy's for help???? It has 300 miles on a 1/ 3-4 rip saw.. it is all stock from what i am told.. most of the updates have been done like rear heat exchanger and shocks.. It has a dent in the running bord is bent up about 3 inchs in a 4 inch spot and one of the front radias rods are bent but it comes with a new one...My question.... Is 4600miles alot on a viper and is 2100 bucks a fair price for the year and milege??? Thanks guy's for any info... Matt 

New member
4600 miles isn't high for a Viper as long as it's been properly maintained, but make sure and check over very carefully all of the suspension components, especially the W arm. $2100 sounds like a fair price. I'm curious to know how he fit a 1 3/4 track in there, I thought the max track a Viper would take was 1 1/2? I could be wrong.... Maybe he changed the drivers to fit the track.
Something tells me it is an 1 1/4 Ripsaw? My Viper has 9000 miles on it. I did the rings at 8000, and it was well maintained, and it runs perfect. $2100 sounds right.
If the running board is bent up, be shure to check for other damage. It may have a bent tunnel or bulkhead. Look close for any buckle's or stress marks.
New member
don't own a vipe but.....
I would try to work him a little,, but @ close to 5,000 miles it's geting up
there a little bit, i'd be doing rings/seals...
I would try to work him a little,, but @ close to 5,000 miles it's geting up
there a little bit, i'd be doing rings/seals...
I Would Be More Worried About The Kink In The Running Board Than The Miles. Ask The Guy If He Has Any Idea What It Takes To Put A Tunnel On!!!!$2100........-400 Rivets And About 8 Hours Of Grinding And Graveling.......$1500. Just My Worthless Opinion
I think the running board is your biggest worry. properly warmed up and maintained rings arent even a real useful thing to replace imho. I have about 8k miles on mine and the power, running quality, compression and mpg are just like they have always been. good luck!
since when are Vipers worth top dollar??? I couldn't GIVE mine away last year. 4500 miles Bender secondary, 1.25 track, SLP can and some other goodies the sled was immaculate and I got $2600!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
New member
There not...... especially an '02 with damage.BBlueSRX said:since when are Vipers worth top dollar???
i would be walking.....
C River Yamaha
New member
Ok guy's i just got some more info from him it is an 1.25" ripsaw track him and his friend worked with an michigan dealer and changed the drivers he tells me it was owned by an yamaha mechanic and the guy was in his 50's and him the 2nd owner is in his 20's he said the dent in the running board is from another sled bumping him in a parkin lot?? it is the rounded part of the board that is kinked in... Thanks for all the help you guys are great....
New member
Have you seen the sled? how bad do you want it,is that what your looking
for? can you hold out for somthing better?
ask your self these questions...
My self i like things perfect(i'm picky), i'd probably keep looking..
for? can you hold out for somthing better?
ask your self these questions...
My self i like things perfect(i'm picky), i'd probably keep looking..
It's your call. I could deal with bent radius rods and broken parts that are replaceable but tunnel damage is another thing. It's no picnic fixing a bent tunnel. I would keep looking also.
I agree with above, why would you want this one more than another one in better shape? sounds like just a regular viper with nothing special and some damage that is going to be bothersome forever... just me though