New member
i jumped on my brother 700 vmax tonight after only having 70 miles on my phazer. now i rode pretty much the same sled as last year. trail was flat and groomed not even the goat path with 4 foot deep mogals we had just gotten off. i didnt know how to ride it any more. i felt like i was retarded or somthing. couldnt steer, could lean, tryed standing didnt feel right, felt like my hands were just about touching. i dont think i could ever ride a proaction sled again after being on a phazer. i dont even want to know how it felt to him on that goat path. he must have been working that skid. i was wondering why i scracted the back of his helmate with my ski. lol
New member
terret725 said:i was wondering why i scracted the back of his helmate with my ski. lol


New member
Ahhhh....your just getting soft in your old age terret.
Pro-Actions RULE!!!!!!!
Pro-Actions RULE!!!!!!!

New member
Real men ride a pro-action. If your not man enough...
New member
im getting old? im in my prime 21 lol. and the who was my brother. its like a switch has be switched. u just totaly forget how to ride one. u dont even know how to sit on it or anything its weird. lol
Active member
My Attak had the same impression on me. Now when I get on the SX 700R I feel like im sitting in a bucket.
New member
21????????terret725 said:im getting old? im in my prime 21
sh*t you should be riding the old vm's with no suspention!!!!!!! lol
I feel like i am riding in the back of the bus in a hole.....LOL