Need advice on snowmobile wreck & insurance


New member
Dec 1, 2007
Was out riding around today in deep snow and hit a small rock that was completely covered. It caused much more damage then I felt at the time, so Im kinda bummed out. Luckily the sled has full coverage with $100 deductible. I need to get in touch with the insurance at one point but would like some opinions from more experienced snowmobilers that have done extensive repairs.

The accident is on the LH. Ski is broken, main arm from ski to rear frame is bent (so is the bolt holding the arm to the rear frame so it will be hard to remove and replace properly). Honestly I think that is what is telling me I should have an estimate done and try to get insurance on board, as the rear frame will likely need to be replaced to get things to bolt up properly and line up right. If it was just the bent arm, I would replace and be on my way but the bent rear frame is the ticker. I priced out parts on and I was at about $1200 with just the main parts (tunnel, ski, arm, bolts) not including labor. Im sure labor would be at least $1000 and body shop would probably find more stuff to replace.

Anyone know if insurance will cover damage from riding around or would I have to be in an actual wreck with another vehicle or tree?

I want to add that I will not just bang it out and let it hang. I would have on my older sled but this is my newest toy and I'd like it fixed, or if they total it, buy it back and part it out and buy one that's not wrecked.

Here's pics.






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I have repaired this damage before .It looks worse than it realy is.imo.You will end up with a wrinkle in the foor board that you can cover up with a non slip mat.Can give the hole low down on reparing it if needed.

It all depends on the blue book value of the sled. When my 02 srx was hit blue book was 4400.00. The repair shop was able to get a check for 3878.00 to repair it. Much more than that they would have totalled it.
I can tell you they will total your sled. But you can buy it back for alot less and fix it. we have done this it is not all that hard to fix. once you get that bolt back to where it should be. looks like all you will need is traling arm. tunnel will still be wrinkled alittle
the part i don,t like is they will drop you after they pay off like they did my friend i,m from mass. and they don,t deal with atv or snowmobile insurance here so we take our chances but my friend from nh was dumped after they paid him off for a sledd claim which was his fault (tree and rock ) they told him if it wasn,t his fault he could stay on the policy but they did pay him fair markey value
Go through your ins. & cut a deal... cash & the sled...keep the money & part out the sled... then spring check a new one for next year or pick up a old stock new, from the dealer your getting the quote...if the dealer is not selling you a sled, they will push to get her fixed is money to them...goodluck & sorry for your bad luck as well...keep us posted... cheers
You will be labeled as high risk if you go thru the insurance and as said could be dropped for a trailing arm a bolt and a ski!Not worth it i think save the insurance for another day,god forbid.
get a new ski trailing arm and bolt for it and hammer the runnel back down. will only cost you $300.00 or less if you can find used. compared to what insurance will rape you for in the next 3 years that is cheap.
What does the bolt mount to on the tunnel? Is the bolt mount on the tunnel easily removeable? The reason I figured they need to replace the tunnel is because the bolt mount is integrated into the tunnel. Otherwise its a easy fix, I agree, but I dont want to replace the tunnel so i'd rather have it totalled if that needs to be done
humm...I called insurance earlier today (in the heat of the moment I must admit) and having an adjuster come over. I will ask the adjuster if its possible to drop the claim and not get dinged on my insurance. I have a feeling that since I called, im on the hook for the higher premiums even if I end up paying for it out of pocket
no you would not be, its not an active claim...therefor it will not go against you...They (dealer replaced the same bolt you are talking about)...difference is mine sheared off before doing damage to the can tell its not factory, but still looks clean...all used parts, new bolt & a case of beer...I'm in, I'll help in the rebuild...we are gonna get rain for the next 3/4 days...crap!!! if I was only closer I'd be there...good luck
I would still talk it over with your agent and the adjuster and see what they have to say. Don't know till you ask, and they don't hold asking against you.
ill talk to my brother. he has a good used 02 viper left side arm. just put on a cb performance kit we got off of ebay. no spare skis here though. try the 4 stroke side for a set of take offs from an apex. same ski and is lighter to boot!
yeah they will total it and hopefully give you the option to buy it back for cheap $$. I had a buddy that made three separate insurance claims on his Exciter (caught on fire in my garage one of those times) and he bought it back every time after being totalled and still has the sled. It never made sense to me but they allow you to do it.
I have fixed multiple sleds with similar damage. Its actually pretty easy and yours isnt even that bad. As long as the tunnel isnt torn around the trailing arm mount you will be fine and you wont even need to drill out the mount. If the insurance wont total it dont bother even making the claim. A trailing arm and a bolt and you are good to go. If you want to straighten it back to normal put some big c-clamps on it and yank it straight. I found that works easier than hammering.
They shouldn't drop you for one claim ... we made 3 claims with in 2 years on sleds, 2 of the claims totaled the sleds and we were NOT cancelled. Still have the same insurance with no problems.

The sleds are on our homeowners policy, much more than just a sled/vehicle policy.

I am sure each case/company is different, but if you have been a good customer you shouldn't have any problems.
