Hey guys, I was wondering what was the best way to wash a Yamaha canvas cover. I was going to just take it to the local laundramat for a wash and destroy their washing machine instead of mine. My buddy told me to just wash it in a bucket as a washing machine would remove the covers waterproof qualities (is that true?) How do you guys clean them??? Thanks!
New member
I've done them at the laundrymat a couple times and they came out good.As for the covers being waterproof I never thought that they were?
They sure as H*LL arn't salt proof. I bought an enclosed trailer.
New member
When ours used to get all nasty we used the "Quarter" carwash (Actually up to $1.75 by me)
Then again I have 2 covers. A driving cover (Original one) and a new never driven around cover for parking.
Then again I have 2 covers. A driving cover (Original one) and a new never driven around cover for parking.
New member
enclosed trailer.....problem solved
All four of mine are getting washed today . Thunderstorms all day .Northern Mi.
I usually wash mine at the end of season on the driveway using a scrub brush and simply green. Then in season and after every use, I stop by a self serve car wash and hose off the cover, sled and trailer. G.B.
i leave mine out during january and let this damn rain clean it
New member
X2gerby said:i leave mine out during january and let this damn rain clean it

Blue Hornet
New member
I usually throw mine in the washer when the wife isnt looking. The problem with that is they make the cover look like a old pair of stonewashed jeans from the 80's! NOT COOL.
New member
amatosrx.... it looks like you are towing a HOUSE! lol
I wish I had an enclosed trailer and tow vehicle like that! My sled stays up north at the cottage.
I wish I had an enclosed trailer and tow vehicle like that! My sled stays up north at the cottage.
I love the answers your getting: Oh, simple to wash a $100 cover...just spend $6-10k for an enclosed trailer! Why didn't you think of that! Lol
I wash mine at the laundromat also.
I wash mine at the laundromat also.
New member
Simple soultion!
I have used an open trailer for years with no salt damage to sleds. Secret is to use a good quailty thick blanket under the cover. Works like a charm and salt won't get on your sled. Before you use the sled spray down shock rods with silicone spray to wipe rods clean. I wash the cover at the coin car wash. Hang it up on the wall and hose it down. I only trailer once or twice a year, so spending 4k for an enclosed trailer is a waste of money for me.
I have used an open trailer for years with no salt damage to sleds. Secret is to use a good quailty thick blanket under the cover. Works like a charm and salt won't get on your sled. Before you use the sled spray down shock rods with silicone spray to wipe rods clean. I wash the cover at the coin car wash. Hang it up on the wall and hose it down. I only trailer once or twice a year, so spending 4k for an enclosed trailer is a waste of money for me.
Thanks for the input guys! ( even the smart *** ones!)