99 sx 700 oil pump problems


New member
Jan 6, 2008
berwick, me
hey guys i have a litle problem with my 99 sx700

last year was my first year riding a sled and my gf's dad told me to fill the oil jug up in the sled, o he gave me the jug of yamalube to fill it up, we some time during the summer he used the jug to put some old antifreeze in it, and me not knowing anything about the led ad what color the oil is, i poured it in the oil jug on the sled, well me and him wet for a ride on the sled's, everything was fine, when we got home we parked the sled's and we didnt ride for a week or so, and from it siting for a bit all the antifreeze settled to the bottom, well i took it out for a ride not knowing anything was wrong, and the motor seized up, well we towed it home and put it in the garage, i put a breaker bar in the clutch and turned it alittle and it broke free, i took the head off and inspected the cylinder walls, they are all good, so i left the head off ad pulled it over a few times and im getting a shitload of oil into the cylinder closest to the clutch, and the other two cylinders are bone dry, so thats when i noticed the oil jug had a shit load of antifreeze in it, and then i check the jug i got the oil from and it was full of the antifreeze

but i guess what i am trying to get at is, can i take my airhose from my compresor and blow out the oil line coming from the oil jug to the oil pump or what ever it is called and just blow any oil and antifreeze mixture thru the hose and thru the pump into the cylinders without causing any damage to the oilpump or anything else
Oh man your kidding, wow

your going to have A/F crap mix in every thing, i would pull carbs/oil tank/
oil pump(maybe even replace)lines and clean the hell out of all of them,you need to get rid of all that mix or it'll happen again.

are the cyl's and pistons bad?
two cyl's ae just barly scared, you can only see the marks, you cant feel anything, and the cly closest to the clutch is perfect, but its getting a shit load of oil in it, i pulled the head ad carbs off and pulled it over a few times and it spit loads of oil into the cyl closest to the clutch
It gets it's oil from the carbs(mix), so not sure where you see the oil coming from.

you may be able to re-use then, run a hone through the cyl's and mic the piston, are the pistons ok?
the oil must have been in there before you took it apart like daman says it gets injected into the fuel on the way to carbs the fuel pump diagfram must be cut thats the only way it would get in the base
