VIP Member
You gotta love these E-mails........ 
Hello Valuable Seller,
i'm Mary Jane , From 8 Tudor Village ,Seneca Falls,NY 13148 I'm highly interested in buying your Item . i'm very okay with the price and condition due to your description on the AD . But unfortunately i'm leaving the state for Greece tomorrow for speculative purpose. As per payment i will have to instruct my colleague to issue out certified money orders and send to you via courier service, it will take 2 days to get to you, this is the only means of payment I can offer you due to my departing schedule. as for shipment you shouldn't worry about the shipping, i have my shipper that has been shipping my goods for over 5 now, his charging fee is low, i pay him less amount for my shipment, he will come down to your house for the pick up as soon as payment is made .So to make payment out to you, you'll have to email me the:
1,Name to be written on the check............................
2,Address to send the check.................................
3,Your contact telephone number...............................
I look forward to your quick response
Best regards
Mrs Mary Jane
Her Email is m_jane446@yahoo.com

Hello Valuable Seller,
i'm Mary Jane , From 8 Tudor Village ,Seneca Falls,NY 13148 I'm highly interested in buying your Item . i'm very okay with the price and condition due to your description on the AD . But unfortunately i'm leaving the state for Greece tomorrow for speculative purpose. As per payment i will have to instruct my colleague to issue out certified money orders and send to you via courier service, it will take 2 days to get to you, this is the only means of payment I can offer you due to my departing schedule. as for shipment you shouldn't worry about the shipping, i have my shipper that has been shipping my goods for over 5 now, his charging fee is low, i pay him less amount for my shipment, he will come down to your house for the pick up as soon as payment is made .So to make payment out to you, you'll have to email me the:
1,Name to be written on the check............................
2,Address to send the check.................................
3,Your contact telephone number...............................
I look forward to your quick response
Best regards
Mrs Mary Jane
Her Email is m_jane446@yahoo.com
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