boost bottles?

boost bottle

Boost bottles do not usually require jetting. They dont change the air/fuel ratio, just store an air/fuel charge. Kinda like an expansion chamber (2-stroke pipe) but for the intake side.
i (josh) have a 02 viper and a 03 600ho rev. My buddy (craig---who keeps using my username) has a 98 srx 600, 00 700 srx, and 05 rev 800.
so they do work then, I thought I read something once that they mainly help on the low end but a 3-4 hp gain can also be found on top. can anyone else confirm this? how about jetting? i'm also running a bender can and carbon fiber reeds and seem to be running unusually lean and had to jet way bigger on the mains. I sprayed carb clean all around to check for leaks and nothing turned up, or is that just the nature or the beast? cause I don't think a silencer, reeds, and boost bottle could change the flow of air through the engine that drasticly
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