any one goin to watch the X Games?


New member
Sep 29, 2005
berkshire mass
i just bought my plane ticket. so im either goin or taking a big hit cause theres like a 100 buck cancellation fee i think. any of u guys goin? im goin out cause my buddy lives out there and my other buddy is racing.

Sweet! I have it marked on my calender to watch. Who do you know that is racing? That would definately be a good time to go there. XC
his name is robert greaber. he was like 2nd or 3rd in the state for alaska. corey davis who is riding for yamie was 1st. he knows him. i asked him to get me an autograph but he wont then he punched me. lol i just want to add to my colection. i have vincent, robbie and yugi.
That's cool, will have to watch for him during the race. I think I still have Vicents and Yugis auto's too somewhere.
i have vincent's, yugi's and robbie's. i asked greaber to get corey davis's for me cause he knows him and he got mad at me. lol they are friends but have a little rivalry goin. seeing how corey was first in alaska and greaber is second or third. taylors goin to be there and my boss knows the race manager so hopfully he can get me in the race trailer.
i watched it on tv the freestyle is cool jumping and flipping sleds a would pass out doing that more than likely the sled would land on me
