New member
Im looking into buying an 2000 SRX 700 with 3800 miles on it and im wondering if there's anything i should know about this sled. I know some stuff about them but not enough to be comfortable. Any information would be cool. Thanks.
Do you know the person that is selling it?I ask as he may be more forthcoming in any "hidden" problems you may incur.If not then I'd say when you go to look at it again take a good compression tester and do all the cylinders,should be in the 125 128 range.Ask about servicing done to the power valves as if they are not looked after they will stick or a cable can pull through.Depending on how aggressive it was ridden you can also check the w arm in the skid for cracks but to be safe just pull and push on everything from the radius rods on the front to any parts in the skid to check for slack.An inspection of the track can give a good indication of how hard a life it's had.Other than that right off the top of my head they are pretty strong running sleds and if you get a good deal on it it take it.
New member
The main thing I would want to know is what he does to it to store it.If the motor hasn't been fogged for storage I wouldn't touch it with a 10 ft pole.Crank bearing could go out of it first trip out low milage or not.Buying used 2-strokes is a crap shoot at the best of times so the more info you can get about storage practices and winterizing the better.You can't always see the expensive problems no matter how well you know sleds or how well you check them over.
New member
hey thanks guys ill keep your tips in mind.
Maybe ask if he had problems with the wiring harness under the motor? I think this was still a probem in 2000. They were wearing through and shorting out. I just bought a 2000 myself. Its my second SRX and they are a great running sled in my experinece. I was out last weekend with a bunch and we took turns trading of. We had a 2003 F7, 1999 ZR700 and a 2001 MXZ 700. I was on the old 98 SRX and I can say one thing, it was by far the smoothest, most solid feeling sled. May not be the lightest or have the best suspension but they are a good reliable solid sled and have a wicked motor.