Good Clutch Kit?


New member
Jan 7, 2008
northern michigan
Easy on me guys! Former AC fanatic, Just picked up an 2000 SRX 700 and was wondering if the clutch kit from Pioneer was a good choice? Clutch seems a little lazy on hardpack with max hookup pulls 8100 and doesnt climb any higher. Dont know what clutches are both springs are black no other paint markings{any that I can see} but has stock helix. Any feedback is greatly appreciated!!!

First of all welcome to the site. I would suggest a good clutch cleaning and assesment first. Secondly forget a kit search the tech pages and the forums there arre loads of info on SRX clutching and there is enough help on here to get you through just about anything. More than likely you should probably change out those springs anyway. All info for clutch service is in the tech pages. So dig in and have fun and when you get stuck just ask a question. newf
exactly turk, he should check the powervalves for pull outs. its probably that and not the clutching.

how many miles are on the srx?

make sure you clean/re-align the valves every 1,000 miles.
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Ok this is what happened' In loose snow sled would pull 8600 rpm. Then I lined it up on a hardpack country road, pinned the throttle pulled hard all the way to 8100 and stayed there. Speedo showed 110 and climbing then the thing went flat, I backed out of the throttle and pinned it again and it seemed to pull hard again past 110 and was still climbing when I ran out of road. Does this sound like a pv problem or clutching? thanks
It is really unusual for a sled to overrev in deep snow & underrev on hardpack. It should be the opposite if it,s a clutching issue.
I had a 98 srx 700 that would pull hard till top end and then would fall on its face. Ended up being a broken power valve cable.
turks right it should be the other way since it new to you spend some time service clutchs set power valves just go over sled completly check tech pages turk has some good set ups and welcome
ya the same problem with mine would pull hard to top end just low on rpms....ended up having a broken cable....check them out first....clean them adjust them then see where your at
I pulled power valves today, they did not slide right out. they did need to be cleaned but they were not (stuck) anyhow, I cleaned them and the ports. Now I need to adust them, can anybody tell me which wire I need to apply batt voltage and ground to to adjust. Oh yea, no pull through on the cables! Originally, I was asking about the Precision Engineering clutch kit for this sled because one of my buddies had one in his SRX and he gave me the kit any thoughts pro or con on this kit? thanks guys!!
Never mind about adjusting the valves I researched earlier posts and got my answer. But I have another question, evidently whoever adjusted the valves before have the #1 and #3 cables switched at the servo, originally I thought that I switched them at the motor. I pulled them off the cylinders and tried to move them but #3 cable is too short. Should I switch the cables to the proper place? Would this have caused my problem? To clarify they are in the wrong holes and also in the wrong place in the bracket. #1 is #1 piston PTO side correct? Thanks
Go to TY Home page, click on the tech section, then snowmobiles, click on "engine" scroll down to you see " YPVS removal and cleaning" and click on it
It has a good diagram as to what cable goes where.
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the cable in the wrong spot could have and probably was deffinetly your problem. put cable in the correct place on servo motor pulley, re-adjust valves and then go have fun.
