Thermo Sensor

blew by you

New member
Nov 27, 2007
Thunder Bay ,Ont.
On my 500sx I have a brake in one of the wires of the thermo sensor right at the coupler(clip). Does this sensor just turn my temp light on when its over heating? Can I run this weekend without it?
I basically asked the same question and got no answer. Both of mine were broke on my 700 triple and I found out after riding 100 miles Saturday.
Yes, Yamaha has a repair kit for that, not sure of the part #, but they have a replacement pigtail & 6" of lead...just quick crimp (I would not do on a sled) or solder it in & cover with shrink wrap....good to go...cheers
gbic1 said:
I basically asked the same question and got no answer.
I thought i answered ya...

anyway blew by you that's what it does yes,you can run it with out it but be aware..
