Will they fit??

C River Yamaha

New member
Dec 31, 2007
Crooked river Michigan
I have a 97 500 motor out of a v max and i have a 95 600 motor out of a v max also the 600 has a bad crank what i'm wondering is will the top end like jugs fit on the 500 case they slide rite on the case and everything fits but will they work??? Is the 500 and 600 stroke the same or no?? Thanks for any help... Matt :2strokes:
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They should bolt right on. The stroke is the same and the bolt pattern etc... The reed cages might be different, but that shouldn't make a difference as long as you use the right one for each cylinder.
Buying a 97 600 xtc w/600 twin ( bad motor ) Will a 600 from a 95 Vmax drop in without changing a lot of other things? Thanks for any info.
C River,

next time you get into T.Y. click on the "TY Home" in the blue banner at the top of the page. When the home page comes up go tot he lower left hand corner of the page and click on the Yamaha online parts catalog banner. Once on the yamaha site then click on the proceed to parts catalog banner. Now you will be in the parts catalog with exploded views. Here you can look up the bottom end of the motors in question to see if they contain the same parts and/or part numbers to verify case, crank, connecting rods, etc.
