Hello to all. I am a Yamaha sled owner and have been a member of T.Y. for a few years now. I am looking for a "2" person quad and need help. I have never owned a quad before and and am totally blind in purchasing one. Yamaha has my loyalty but i don't think they make a two up quad. Laws of Ontario Canada requires a quad to be designed for two riders. Can't put a second seat on a single seat quad. Any direction to help me would be greatly appreciated. 

Would you consider a side by side? Yamaha makes the Rhino and it has a good reputation. I was skeptical about them at first, but some of my friends have them now and they go anywhere a quad will and are a bit more stable too.
That was the first thing i looked at when i went into the dealer. It would be perfect for my needs. Sadly our trail system will not allow Rhino style machines to be run on them. It has to be a quad. So if i want to ride the trail system, i have to stick to the rules. Stupid rule i know. So now i am back to looking at getting a certified two up style quad.
New member
well, if no side by side is allowed on trials, then your choices are basically polaris with their X2 sportsman series, or the Bombardier/ can am outlander max, or whatever they are called.
I personally would go with the polaris sportsman.
I have a 04 1 up sportsman 500HO and it has been very good to us, requiring only oil changes since we bought it in the summer of 03.
I personally would go with the polaris sportsman.
I have a 04 1 up sportsman 500HO and it has been very good to us, requiring only oil changes since we bought it in the summer of 03.
Arctic Cat makes their TBX with a two up seat. I have had two of their machines and had good luck with both. I think everybody makes a decent machine, probably better to go with the dealer in your area with the best rep for customer service.
New member
I personally would not ever get anything arctic cat. But I have not had good luck with any cat product, and nobody I have known has either despite most of my riding buddies having cats. So I might be a bit biased, but at least I have a reason.