Yamaha Service manuals downloads where


New member
Jan 1, 2008
goose bay
Hi I am looking to download a service manual for my 2001 srx and for my buddies 200 srx does anyone know where I could do this or where I could go to look at one
all positive input appreciated

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Available on CD-ROM for $7 on ebay.


I've ordered two different manuals from that guy over the last few weeks (Apex and Viper) and they're the standard dealer's service manual plus necessary supplements.

There was a guy that was selling downloads (Superfly) for $8, but very recently he apparently got into copyright problems and folded up shop.
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mopar1rules said:
thats it. anyone know where i can get it for free:)
The parts manual with exploded drawings is available free on Yamaha's website - at least you can look at it, take a screen shot. Service manual, however, not available free unless someone has one and is willing to give it to you (they're only about 20 megabytes - PDF file). Posting it online somewhere for general download would likely draw a letter from Yamaha USA's attorneys, like what happened to the guy that was selling the downloads. Copyright infringement. Unless that Cyclehippie guy has some arrangement with Yamaha, I suspect he'll be getting that letter before long too. Then you'd be stuck with buying the paper manual for $60.
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Yama49601 said:
That first link is for a 2000 and the second one is for 2002. Thanks.
the 2002 is just the supplementary service manual(not a full manual), for the DCS and split hand/thumb warmers, some other info/spec's too, use it in conjuntion with the 2000 manual...
daman said:
the 2002 is just the supplementary service manual(not a full manual), for the DCS and split hand/thumb warmers, some other info/spec's too, use it in conjuntion with the 2000 manual...

Yeah I saw that but not until after I had posted that. I was thinking that he was posting the manuals for a 2001 and a 2000 when I saw the links.
