I was out runnin radar runs today. Brakes continued to fade. On my last run I had to coast nearly 500 ft. and handle into the woods to stop.
So, where do I start to diagnose the problem?
95 Vmax 4 800
So, where do I start to diagnose the problem?
95 Vmax 4 800
Have you ever changed the fluid???
you have a cable system, you may have just wore down the pad enough so you dont have preasure enough. speed runs are hard on pads and rotors.
Holy crap, could have sworn I had hydraulic on the 93 SX. But now that I think about it a little harder, I begin to feel like an idiot. Oh well, teflon coated memory!
What BTV said.
What BTV said.
New member
yup cable, re-adjust or replace pads..
they made a hydralic update for them from bender, hauck, one of them. i wonder how hard it would be to install a hydralic on there. anyone have a picture of what the chaincase looks like, its been a while.
rx1 has the disk outboard like on the 800(from memory)
rx1 has the disk outboard like on the 800(from memory)
A few hydraulic brake pics:
And a different setup:
looks simple, i like the factory one better, the willwood ones just looks too,,polarisy(is that a word?)
i have many brake masters and calipers. let me know if your going todo it.
i have many brake masters and calipers. let me know if your going todo it.