95 vmax 600 chain case


New member
Dec 25, 2007
First of all this is my first post, great web site! I am replacing track on my sled and my buddy took apart the chaincase while I was removing skid. Well to make a long story short he will be unable to reassemble it. I think I know how it supposed to go by the schematic, but I had a couple questions:

1: on the bottom gear, does it go: thin shim, then gear with numbers facing out, then thicker shim, then bolt with washer ?
2: Is there supposed to be 1/8 play in bottom gear?
3:does the chain tensioner spring put tension on the chain or the bolt?

These may be easy questions for some of you experienced guys

Any help will be greatly appreciated
thanks for the info ! I have already looked at the schematic or parts diagram,I also have a manual. But it does not say what shim goes in what spot. I noticed on the TY parts diagram the shims that I am wondering about
have a .9 and the other 1.6, my manual does not say this. Is this the thickness of these shims?

Large shim goes on the top behind the gear the small shim goes behind the bottom gear. Put the gear and chain on and see if they are aligned with the top gear. If they are out of alignment then you know what shim to change but I am sure about where they go. The bottom gear should not have slop in it. Use Loc Tite on the bottom gear bolt and the cover bolts also.
ok thanks, spartasxr So there isnt any slop? Because I have about 1/8" between the bolt washer on the bottom gear and the shim in front of gear
Thanks for the help, bare with me this is my first sled.
also make sure your gear isn't flipped around... that will cause it to be out of alignment too
ok I put the bottom gear in, thin shim first,then the gear,then the spacer, and finally the bolt and washer. I can push the gear in and out, has about 1/8" between bolt washer and spacer.
Is this correct?

gears seem to be in line with each other with a straight edge

Any here who knows more than me..................I'm sure of it......LOL
Did you finish this? I just took mine apart tonight because I saw filings on the dipstick. My bottom gear has 1/4 slop. I know the last owner put a new track on it last year. What did he leave off?
I'm still not done putting it back together. But, from the guys here and the local repair shop, I was told 1/8" was fine. I,m not sure about 1/4" that might be too much for your mahine.
