Electric Start Help

vMaxed Out

New member
Jan 7, 2008
Appleton, WI
I own a 96 vmax 600xt and am having problems with the electric start. I bought a brand new battery for it and took it back in to be tested and that is good. Sometimes it cranks the motor over and sometimes it just makes the first initial sound that you always hear but thats it. But most of the time there is absolutely nothing there. Any ideas what to look for and where to start? This is my first sled so I'm not very familiar with everything yet. Thanks for any help.
Starting from the batt cables, work your way down to the starter cleaning
all connections and checking the starter solenoid..
Is there a relay in the system that could be bad? I bought the sled from a friend and he never put a battery in it so he just pull started it. The electric start hasn't been used in the last 2 or 3 years.
checked all the connections and cleaned them up. Should the relay click every time i turn the key? It clicks the first time but after that nothing.
another quick question. Is there supposed to be another wire other than the one that is run through the relay? Because there is only that one red one on there.

Edit: Now that i look at it again it has a connector on the bottom of the relay that has 4 plugs but 3 wires going into it. Did one wire fall out?
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I would say it's going south,there's some check's(resistance) you can do to make sure it is bad, i could post them if you need..
Sure here ya go....


