97 Venture 600 Cooling


New member
Nov 15, 2007
Belleville, ON. CA
Hi, I just picked this 97 Venture 600 from a dealer. The dealer checked it all out and repaired what was necessary. Looks real good and I can't wait to try it out. It already had a centre studded track and I notice the cooling is under the running boards. Not having driven it yet. I ask, how is the Yamaha getting the snow to it to cool the system? (I have an old Polaris with very short coolers there and have to keep stopping to throw snow on the running board to cool it down when its not very cold.).

Most maching have put them in the tunnel from what I have seen.

Is tunnel protection required for all studded tracks?



tedgoesfast said:
you would have a front cooler and a rear also and yes it should have cooler protectors

Ok, I'll have a look. Somehow I think this is aftermarket and not Yamaha factory installed protector. The sled is on my trailer at the moment wait to be hauled north so the rear is easy to see.
yes, you do have a front mounted track heat exchanger.

my 97 venture600 does.

the protectors were not factory mounted. all are aftermarket, or maybe the yamaha accessory protectors.

Right now I am having a bear of a time with the heat exchanger protectors on this venture. I bought a .92" lug track (up from the wimpy .510 lug stock junk) and studded that with 108 studs. there are 2 styles of protectors, one that has a stud on top witha flange on the bottom, and one that has flanges top and bottom.

what kind does yours have?

any pictures???

see my thread here for pics of the 2 kinds of front protectors.
any word tripplec?

apparently even our local dealer can't figure out which protectors to use. on order again, they better get the right part this time.

my guess is that if your protectors look weird, they are proabbaly the wrong ones just made to fit, sorta....
