Breathtaking Snowmobile Video... Notice the brand of sled!

I knew the Yami boys would like this... one of the better sled videos I've seen... I actually prefer that music over the headbanging stuff in this case.
I was wondering why he was heading straight for what seems like a snow covered rock. Well there was so much snow he used it to jump. Nice.

Just to be picky here the only thing missing is some real time footage (not slow motion) with sounds of the engine.
I know a guy that knows that guy (Darko - posts on TY 4-stroke). I'm told that's an Apex running a turbo with 18 lbs of boost, shimmed head. It apparently needs 100LL avgas. That clip is just a small section of a much longer DVD.

He sure makes it look easy - the guy knows about mountain riding, that's for sure.
