97 Vmax clutch noise


New member
Jan 28, 2004
Augusta, Maine
Guys, I have changed the rollers, weights look great no wear marks. The clutch still makes a metalic noise? Not as bad but you can hear it. Should I change the bushing on the slider and the top bushing on the clutch cover? What about the sliders on the spider? How is the easiest way to get the spider apart to get to the bushing? I have the top off but don't see how to seperate? looks like the spider shaft is threaded? please help? Thanks
youll need a fixture and grunt tool to remove the spider, it is threaded on with LEFT handed threads. If you dont own the tools it would be best to take it somewhere who has them to keep from damaging the parts. Youll want to check the sliding sheave bushing and the spider pucks, they are most likely worn if this clutch is off a twin cylinder sled, they beat up the clutchs pretty bad.
Thanks, Thats what I thought, Last time (2000)I had the dealer put the bushings in for me. I wasn't sure if someone could help with a short cut. I have a vice, two prong bearing puller and lots of soft wood. What is a fixture and a grunt tool? but your right I will just jack it up and create more issue's!!!!!!!! Thanks MRVIPER.
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