New member
Hi i have a 99 vmax 700with triple slp pipes and reed spacers which i put on this season but it has a top end bog. bottom end is fine but when i get moving the rpm's drop to around 7800. i was just wondering if anyone new wat could cause this.
what do you have for clutching setup?too much weight in it will bring rpms way down with those pipes. What jets do you have in it? are you setup to slp's specifications? Need more info!
New member
it,s set to the specs i got with the pipes. it's got 8cr weights with a black and silver spring. it;s got 150 jets in all three (-17 to -28 degrees c)
I had a bog in mine after I tried the air box mod... i put 150's in it and drilled holes in the top of airbox... it made the damn thing bog at high rpm! I taped up the holes and put 147.5's in it and hav'nt had a problem since!... you should be running a 13.3 mm rivet in inner hole, outside hole, empty ,in your 8cr's,........ w-s-w primary spring w/2-3 shims. try a 50/42 helix in the sec. at 70 * and take 1 layer head gasket out.
New member
I'll try rejetting it and i was planning on ordering a helix. Thanks for the info I'll try this out and repost when i get the jets and helix in.
New member
I took it out today and it runs fine until after it warms up more after about 10 minutes of riding. It idles fine but bogs when i hit the throttle
SpartaSXr said:147.5's 8CR's and 13.3 outer, 10.3 inner is SLP's spec for 99 and newer. That is what I am running w/ Bender blue primary and roller sec. 8800-9000 all day long. Is your throttle cable too tight? maybe TORS?
those are the specs for 2000 and newer and its 13.3 inner and 10.3 outer!
try turning the fuel screws out 2 turnsdrew88 said:I took it out today and it runs fine until after it warms up more after about 10 minutes of riding. It idles fine but bogs when i hit the throttle