I just checked the wheels on my viper. To my supprise all the rear bearings are gone and the shaft and sleeves are worn out. No wonder the track would ratchet. Does anyone know where i can find some custom wheels? What size would you suggest? Is there any advantage going to 8" vs the stock 7"?
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I just ordered 4- 7.5 wheels from Rich, not custom but aluminum like the old 79 SRX
Yama49601 said:Here's a place that sells some nice looking ones.
Nice stuff but a little to much for me right now. Maybe over the summer i'll get some. The local dealer had some plain black ones in stock for 25.00 each with bearings. They should be here tomorrow. Thanks.
Active member
budgetbillet.com is another one I've found.
New member
Those do look better than the stock ones. I need to polish my tunnel. 

my rear wheels are from wahl bros out of the hi performance enginering mail order book and the small ones are from black majic racing on ebay. the small ones are 25 mm id bearing i just made some spacers to fit the yamaha 20mm shaft. very nice quality and work real nice.