hauck performance impressions


New member
Nov 21, 2004
Hello, i was just on the hauck site and was wondering if anyone has any experience with his products, specifically the boost bottle,any gain in power, And the growlers,it says it gains horsepower,but from what ive read A/M silencer lose power? do they gain or not, and which would be recomended,trail or race silencer from them.also how would these parts work with mrvipers porting? really appreciate any info,thanks to anyone who replies.
what sled do you have?

most aftermarket silencers do add a little hp, but the main advantage is a lot less weight, and they sound better than stock.
where are you located? certain states have pretty strict sound rules, so be careful, or you will get a ticket, and have to take a loss on your new silencer to boot.

boost bottles do improve hp, and help mpg as well.
the problem with alot of cans is they dont allow the main pipe to get hot enough without a hot pipe the sled will work worse pipe heat is one off the most imporant things to have so your sled will perform properly
Don't go with the growlers. Loss of power. Haven't used the boost bottle on an SRX but sure helped our SX700...
