v-max xtc 600 clutching


Active member
Jan 30, 2006
manitowoc, wisconsin
hey mrviper. I have a clutching question for you. My dad has a '98 v-max xtc 600 and we just recently got done doing some mods to it. I need some input on fine tuning this thing in.....clutchig wise that is. We got all these parts from Hauck powersports. Here's what we added: reed spacers, carbon fiber reed petals, thin head gasket, hauck blue primary spring, hauck green secondary spring @ 80deg, 6ms7 helix (maximum performance----I think a 51/47), stock rollers, hauck "x" adjustable weights, w/4.6g inner--1g center--.8g tip. off the line it will pull to 8150-8200 and then climb to 8400-8500. This was the 3rd run and it did the same thing on the 2nd run w/weight as follows....3.3g inner--1g center--0g tip. With the added weight to the inner and tip, why the heck would the rpm's not go down? Where should I add weight now....on the tip correct? How much would I add to get it to run at 8100? Some guys were saying to clutch it to run @7800, but that seems a little low to me. 8000-8100 seems better. On my ski-doo 600ho rev, if I add like .5g on the tip, it will drop peak rpm's like 100-150 rpm. On this v-max there was no change. Does like 1g on the tip, drop the rpm's like 50-100 on a yammi? If I add more weight to the tip, could I add more inner weight, so it would help get the weight to swing out?
Have you ever tryed this set up..

8ab weights; 50/44 helix, green secondary spring at 60 wrap. Clutch it to run at 7800 rpm., 2.4 gram rivets in both holes, OR 3.1's,or keep adding weight till you get the desired rpm,s.

stock parts can be made to work just fine...
8400-8500 is WAY too high. You want it at 7800 because that's where it makes the most power. All you're doing by running it higher is losing power.
And another thing. We just went through all of this with my friends 97 XTC 600. I asked him (Turk) the same exact question about where to add the weight to bring the RPM's down. He told me to add it evenly to both holes. There is no exact amount anyone can tell you and have it just happen to be the correct amount either. You have to figure that out on your own. You need to just keep adding weight until you get the RPM's right. For some reason we weren't even able to add enough to the 8AB's in my friends. Next year he's gonna get the 8CA's since the weights themselves are heavier.
A stock twin is 7800,,if your running a thin HG reed spacers you may
have a tad bit more HP, so you may want a little higher rpm's on top....BUT
without putting it on a dino can't say for sure,just a theory...
