yamaha clutch weight chart

yeah those charts are of weights that I don't deal with. I'm looking for a chart that would show forces of like the 8ek, 8dn-10, 8dn-20, 8ca, 8ab weights and such. weights that we actually use. not those weird ones that I never seen or heard of anyone even using.
All of the ones you mentioned are in the tech section. The first page has some weird ones but go to the bottom and click on next page. There are at least six pages of different weights there.
can someone just post the link or something? i went there numerous times and cannot find it. at the bottom of the computer screen it says, done but with errors. I can't see anything that says like next page or anything. I'm not seeing them. This is where I went....is this even right?

tech pages
snowmobile section
yamaha clutch weights
I must be dane bread.

1. TY home
2. Technical Pages
3. Snowmobile Tech
4. **Clutches & Jetting
5. Inset under **Clutch components/Gearing Charts I'll click on weights.
6. This is what comes up.http://www.totallyamaha.com/
7. Not the good weights that DEEPPOWDER brought up
8. Could someone get their crayons out and draw me a picture.
