primary clutch heat?


VIP Member
May 2, 2003
ok guys, I went for a ride today with some friends
fairly quick agressive ditch riding, some fast stretches, drifts 3' deep, short climbs @20-30' busting thru drift tops etc. my secondary feels barely warm, but the primary is HOT, but you can hold your hand on it
what should I be looking to do? I take it the primary is slipping?
was it real powdery dusty cold snow, snow that might get on the clutch and belt and cause it to slip. 6 below here at noon, that snow dust can cause problems when that cold. Maxdlx
Yea Paul it was a little COLD here to LOL, but we rode hard and kept warm
8dn-10 rivets?? I know there is 2 but dont know the weight
stock 02 Viper primary spring
50/40 helix and green secondary spring
had lots off steam coming out of the hood from the snow!

ps I have a set of loaded 8dn-20's I wonder if I should throw them in and see what happens?
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