80? Enticer carb problems

John in Michigan

New member
Nov 18, 2007
Hi, I hope someone on here can help me, I'm working on my daughters ET250 We've taken the carb off because I could only get it to start with starter fluid then it will run until it runs out of that, So I pulled the carb put in a carb gasket kit and it still does the same thing. Is it possible to have the lines in the wrong place? (I pulled the carb off and my son in law put it back on) as I see it one line from the motor is a vacuum to run the fuel pump built into this carb - correct? We replaced the lines from the tank and put in a fuel filter. Still acts the same. Any suggestions? Thanks John
Blow thru the fuel line and make sure it isnt plugged in the tank. If thats works then it could be the inlet fuel valve in the carb is plugged. Put a hose on the inlet of the carb and blow thru to see if its not plugged. If it isnt then its possible that the fuel pump is shot. Can u see if fuel is being pumped thru the lines.

Good Luck
Pull the carb. Blow into the fuel inlet tube. Air should pass into the bowl. Invert the carb. The needle should shut and air should not pass when you blow. Obviously the carb should be empty first. The fuel pump appears to be a pulse diaphragm, where pressure pulses from the crankcase cause it to oscillate and move fuel. You could probably bypass the fuel pump with a small resovoir of fuel that is temporarily held above the carb to gravity-feed the motor. If the engine continues to run, then you can look to fuel delivery problems at the pump. It problem still occurs with temporary resovoir, then the issue may still be at the carb, such as an emulsion tube or clogged jet.
Enticer carb woes still!!!

Thanks, still nothing I've had the carb off again still nothing. I'm going to pull it once more and soak it, somewhere I have a gallon carb soaking cleaner. Then I'm going to start checking the new gaskets against the old ones. Maybe they missed punching a critical hole. Is there a carb without the fuel pump that will bolt right on? Is it possible to have lost the pulse from the motor to run the pump? I'll keep trying
Likely a Keihin CDX. A lot of the gasket kits currently available for Keihin carbs don't fit this model. Does it have a sight tube running up the clutch side with a plug on the top? It also has a fuel level adjustment (the bolt and locknut in the bottom).
Yes, in the exploded view I have it list's that as a vent tube. I'm ready to pull it off again and check all the gaskets against the originals. By the way this is really how it all started this winter, it would only run as long as I sprayed starter fluid in it. So having the carb apart 4 or 5 times really has helped none. is there anyway that the fuel pump could not be recieving the vacuum pulse? Is there anyway of skipping the built in fuel pump and running an external one or would this require a differnt carb? Thanks for your help, John
You might want to call your local dealer first to get a price on those carb gaskets . Last time I checked it was ( $$$$ large ) and have to order each separately.
i was thinking it might be the pulse line from the base to the fuel pump. might be split or rotted. happened on my srx before
That's an idea, I have not taken it completely off but I will, I bought the gasket kit from C&C sports in Brighton for about $20. that they said was correct for it. I'll check that pulse line tomorrow night and see if it's split somewhere. Thanks, John
put a vacum gauge in the pulse line spyay with starter feul and swcth for pulse i had one bad crack seal no pulse
Hi, Well I'm making headway I think, it will start now but runs for a few seconds the when it idles down it will either stall or catch and idle then die. I found one of the new gaskets in the carb was not allowing the pulse to get to the diaphram. So i carefully used the old gaskets. Now I don't have the air box on is that going to be part of my problem? It acts very lean. I would like to find a simple little K&N type filter for it if I can find one that will fit. I'll keep you posted on my progress.
John in Michigan said:
Hi, I hope someone on here can help me, I'm working on my daughters ET250 We've taken the carb off because I could only get it to start with starter fluid then it will run until it runs out of that, So I pulled the carb put in a carb gasket kit and it still does the same thing. Is it possible to have the lines in the wrong place? (I pulled the carb off and my son in law put it back on) as I see it one line from the motor is a vacuum to run the fuel pump built into this carb - correct? We replaced the lines from the tank and put in a fuel filter. Still acts the same. Any suggestions? Thanks John
John, I experienced a similar problem trying to start the 250 Enticer I just bought. The previous owner installed a carb kit and when he put the carb back on the engine, he accidentally mixed up the pulse line and fuel line connections. Check your fuel & pulse lines. On the Enticer's Keihin carb, the pulse line should connect to the top spiggot and the fuel line should connect to the lower spiggot. Once I found the problem and corrected it, the little engine started fine.

