Trying to dial in Heel Clickers


VIP Member
Mar 12, 2006
Upstate NY
I am trying to dial in Heel Clickers on a stock Viper. I went by previous post on TY for my base setup. Here is what I started at: Primary Red H/C spring, 4.3 Shoulder-0 Middle-3.3 Tip...Secondary 48/36 Dalton Helix Green spring @ 60. At that setup the sled engaged @ 4600 and the shift was 9000. I then added weight to the tip to get it to 6.0 grams and left everthing else where it was. Now the sled still engages @ 4600 and the shift only dropped about 100 rpms to 8900. Shouldnt adding that much weight have lowered the shift a lot? Now I dont know what to do I cant add any more to the tip or the bolt head wont clear. Should I add to the center even though everbody says tip only on Vipers? I am trying to get the engagement lower and the shift about 8500-8600.
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to get the engagement lower you need to add weight to the heel/sholder. this should also bring down your shift rpm's to the desired range.
try 4.3 in both the center and tip, leave your heel weight as is, put in your stock red secondary spring at 80-90 degrees and report back.
Took your advice Mrviper with one exception, I left the green secondary in @60. I figured I could try the red @80-90 if I had to. 4.3 in every hole got me these numbers with limited testing. Engaged at 4600 shifted at about 8700. I then added to the shoulder to make it 5.3, and seat of the pants told me it wasnt as snappy. It engaged at 4300 and shifted at 8500, so I removed .5 from the shoulder and now engages at 4400. I didnt have time to do full throttle runs so dont know what the shift is. Going on a ride tomorrow so I will post results then. Thanx for the fast response Mrviper. It really helped.
Did 100 miles today. The tach climbs steady to about 8700 and hangs there. If I did a looooong pull it would climb above 8700 to about 9050. I changed to the red secondary @ 80. Will check it tomorrow.
Put the red spring in @ 80 still 9000+ rpms. Put 6.0 on tip still 9000+ rpms. I ended up with 8.0 on the tip and 4.3 center and 4.8 shoulder. I reinstalled the green secondary @ 60, didnt like the red, and the shift is 8500. The question is, is this much weight unusual? I have never seen a post on TY where anyone has had to add this much weight.
you must be making about 155-160hp to pull 67 grams of weight or your gram scale is on the generous side!

I have never, ever, seen that much weight in a stock viper!
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I am the 3rd owner of this sled. First guy put on 500 miles and it was stock. Second guy was my buddy he had a Bender clutch kit installed by Bender which I removed this year. Mrviper is it possible something is wrong with the clutch? Maybe very ineffiecent? Earlier this year I cleaned everything up and I put it back to stock clutching front and rear and it ran great. Then I put in the Heel Clickers with the gray spring and the setup recommended in the instructions and it shifted at 8500 but the belt was slipping. I am using the weight that came with the kit, with the exception of on the tip. I am using the long bolt 4g, one washer 1g, and I put a nut on the other end of the bolt to get to that weight. I weighed the nut on a powder scale, it weighs 3.11g which brings me to 8.11 grams on the tip. 4.3 middle and shoulder of 4.8 are based on what the kit says they weigh. Is this much weight going to do damage? What else could possibly cause this condition. Could the red HC spring be wrong (to stiff)? Im baffled.

I forgot when I spoke to Randy at HC earier this year he told me sometimes their weights run low and maybe I got a light set...........just wondering does Bender change the rollers? Would larger rollers cause this? Rideng Old Forge all weekend will report when I get back...assuming the cluch doesnt with my teeth gritting.
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Well I figured it out. The Bender clutch came with a shim that sat under the primary spring I thought it was a stock part of the clutch. It is 5/16 of an inch thick, so my spring was compressed that much more. So now back to square one testing, but at least the Im in the right ballpark.
go back to the original set up I gave you in beginning of post, youll be real,real close.
Dont sweat it, happens to the best of us :o| , lots of times overlook things or try and over think them, gotta always go back to basics, at least ya found it! :winterrul
I dont know when I will be able to test, the snow here is...........well there's no snow here. I will keep you posted when I test.
Well you were right on the money Mrviper. 4.3 in every hole and red secondary @90. Thanx Don you save me a lot of time.
Calling Mrviper

Don what is the advantage or disadvantage with running weight in the middle hole? If it is possible to get enough weight in the tip wouldnt it give a better shift curve, as per your "tips for heel clickers" post states? Just out of curiousity I took out the middle weight and totaled 9 g. in the tip. The shift is the same and it "feels" better. I'm learning, so any knowledge would be helpful.
