Maximum Performance Bib Bore ????


Sep 17, 2005
Coeur D' Alene ID
Anyone familure with this kit. I found one a couple of years ago and have done nothing with it. One cyclinder has a broken skirt. Is it worth resleaving or should I just toss it. Port work looks good, just possibly a design flaw with NIK cyclinders.
its not a design flaw but a problem with the engine being set up right, the wiseco pistons are basicly harder then the cylinder, and with the cylinder being overbored, its thinner then it was stock, the first hint of detonation and the piston starts to rattle, this breaks off the skirts. The skirt to wall clearance is a little bigger then stock to account for the rapid expansion of the pistons. They can be set up and live perfectly relaible for the trail. The cylinder you have can be welded most times and replated. I actually have fixed big bores for all the large name shops out there for yamahas, most every time it will be a detonation problem. Its partly from todays lack luster low octane fuels, you need good premium fuel, rich enough jetting-including the right needle set up and have the patience to really let it warm up good before riding the sled on EVERY cold start up, if you do these things they are very reliable and make good power.

Would you be interested in reworking this kit. We ride between 2500 and 6000'. What kind of money are we looking at. Sled is a 2000 MM with SLP pipes.
