flying yami
New member
How will heel clickers work with a 47-43 helix. i have a new one on order but it might take a couple days.
it will work but wouldnt be the best thing, you wont be able to pull alot of weight in the arms cause the finish is fairly steep, most of thetime, I try to stay under 40 degree finish with heel clickers, seems to work for me. If thats all i had it wouldnt keep me sitting at home, you could tune with it somewhat and still ride, but youll need to change the weight set up with what ever helix your getting next.
flying yami
New member
thanks. there was no way it was going to hold me back for this weekend. so i should leave the first hole empty and around 4g in the tip? what do you think?
Concept Carbon
New member
i would try 6.2 heel with close to 6 grams in the tip. what helix did you order.
flying yami
New member
ahh can't tell you