Slydog skis


New member
Oct 19, 2006
wayne county , NY
Has anyone else noticed when they put their slydog skis on a trailing arm yamaha that they will not fit over the spindle? I had to grind both sides of the spindle about 1/8" for them to fit. And also they say carbides for the c&a pros fit them. Well you have to grind down the front 90 degree bend on the carbide for them to fit also. I got everything to fit but was a little frustrated that i had to go through all that to mount them.
I had none of those issues when I installed my Powderhounds on my Attak. I am using Bergstrom Triplepoints carbides. Both the ski's and the carbide's went right on. Did you contact Slydog with your fitment issue's? Have seen 1 or 2 post's on the 4-Stroke side regarding wrong ski's being shipped. The carbide issue is strange though. I have used Bergstroms in the C@A pattern for a while, and they fit my C@A skis on my Viper just as well as the Slydogs. What brand of carbide did you install?
Well i have been waiting for bergstroms for a couple months so i needed something. I got a pair of woodys for the time being. The slydog ski doesnt have the hole at the front for a 90 degree bend on the carbide.Must be the c&a do.

And i did e`mail slydog with my problem and haven`t heard back from them.
