Piped Viper Gass Mileage


New member
Jul 18, 2006
New Berlin, WI
Piped Viper Gas Mileage

Hey Guys,
I am running a 2004 Viper S with Aeen Pipes and V-Force 3 reeds. I also have a heel clicker clutch setup in it. For the first time i have been trail riding it with this setup. It is tons of fun and very fast but my gas mileage is terrible. I am getting 7-8mpg. I thought it would be a bit worse but that is alot. I am getting about 90 miles before the gas light is on. I have heard that pipes could help gas mileage?? Sure doesnt seem to unless i have something way off. Any thoughts?
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Triple pipes certainly will never help the Viper but it sure makes it alot more fun to ride!! I went from 15mpg's stock to 10ish with my old CPR's
If you didnt have DCS you could convert to a 01 SRX CDI which lowers your timing and lets you run leaner jetting. I havent read anyone converting a DCS Viper to a DCS (02)SRX CDI yet. Only way you could get decent MPG with triple pipes on a DCS Viper is mounting it with SRX pipes but theres way more to it that mounting just the pipes. The size of the A/M Ex-chambers is what causes you to run such a fat pilot and high needle setting which is where you spend most of your time on the throttle while trail riding. Tuning and MPG is the main reasons I sold off my C-coated SLP's, Megas, clutching and just bought a SRX.
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my viper with srx pipes actually seems to be better on gas then my buddys srx. It was a bit of work to to the conversion but worth every penny and every hour.
I get about 9MPG with mine. That is down from the 10 that it was before the pipes. I have an 04ViperER with bender pipes, Peak head, HC primary, bender 02VTP secondary. I have 165 mains and 55 primaries. I also went to a 136 track at the same time.

I looked into the SRX CDI. One thing that was pointed out was the change in the hand/thumb warmers controls on the 04.
I'd love to get 7-8 mpg Mine with benders gets 4-5 depending on how deep the powder is.
w8tn4snow said:
4--5 mpg !
You serious? How are you riding that thing? I think if I were to ride mine on a long trail ride I could do better. I find that I am on mine hard a good share of the time. To just take it out and hold it at a constant speed or not peg it out of every corner I think mine would do much better.
Would be tough to get much better then 9-10mpg on a piped viper, and keep the engine alive for any duration,its the design of the pipes, they need a large pilot jet and needle settings to keep the engine alive, this is where you spend 80-90% of your time on the trail in the pilot/needle section. On and off the gas for turns, jumps etc.
Clutching/gearing go hand in hand with gas mpg as well, a sloppy clutch set up will make the sled eat up more fuel as well, if its say slipping the belt at cruising speed, your applying more throttle to keep the same 50mph cruise speed then a non slipping set up would.
Holly #$%&*

Did my first tour with the pipes on and I'm getting 5.4 miles/gal. My range between gas stations is about 50 miles safely. If I ran it dry I think I could go 75 miles. Most of the trip was fairly wide open as I didn't have a lot of time and I wanted to see how the pipes worked. Think I'm going to lean the needle out a bit. Need to get 100 miles on a tank or the sled is useless for what I use it for.
I get about 90-100 miles to a tank on my piped viper. But thats not saying much. My nephew gets the same milage on a stock viper. He rides a lot harder than me. We went out together with the same amount of fuel. Filled up at the same time, and it was within a few cents difference. It all depends how you ride.
I can get about 115-120 miles on a tank of gas. Bender pipes and bender clutch kit with a 136" track on premium gas. Thats all trail riding anywhere from 45mph to 65mph.
